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[New York] Laser hair removal hurt?

导读:Hello doctors, my body hair is longer, want to do laser hair removal surgery, laser hair removal does it hurt?医生您好,我体毛比较长,想做激光脱毛手术,请问激光脱毛痛吗?

Hello, welcome to consult Beijing Hua Han Medical Beauty Hospital.
         For the feeling of pain varies. All in all, laser hair removal will be a littlediscomfort, but definitely not treat cavities is so uncomfortable, so no need to worry about the pain this problem. Laser hair removal can be achieved in theory can be said that the effect of permanent hair removal, but not one hundred percentguarantee. If we say that laser hair removal is not pain, it may be deceptive. And previous instrumentation, technology, laser hair removal really improved a lot,reducing the degree of pain a lot, so far, has not said by patients who can not stand the pain.

         Of course, the degree of pain and laser hair removal treatment in your hospitalalso has a significant relationship. So you must find a professional teacher to the hospital and medical treatment, the effect can be guaranteed. If you want to knowother aspects of laser hair removal information, please call our hotline .


        对于疼痛的感觉因人而异。总而言之,激光脱毛会有点不适的感觉,但是没有治疗虫牙那般难受,所以大可不必担心疼痛这方面的问题。 激光脱毛在理论上可以说能够达到性脱毛的效果,但也不能百分之百的。如果说激光脱毛一点都不痛,那也许是骗人的。和以前的仪器、技术相比,激光脱毛的确进步了很多,疼痛的程度也减轻了不少,到目前为止,还没有受术者说痛得受不了。
