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[Melbourne] the hazards of the chemical peel, how to prevent

导读:[ Melbourne ] the hazards of the chemical peel , how to prevent Experts: Hello! Thank you for your concern in the Chinese Han Medical Beauty Hospital. Beijing Chinese cosmetic surgery hospitals in Korea amidst glittering whitening skin car

[Melbourne] the hazards of the chemical peel, how to prevent

Hello! Thank you for your concern in the Chinese Han Medical Beauty Hospital. Beijing Chinese cosmetic surgery hospitals in Korea amidst glittering whitening skin care line founder Lou Huijie: chemical peel harm prevention can do the following:

1, within three days with water wash can use a mild Soap, gentle movements, can not wipe with a towel or sponge, so as not to irritate the skin. After the wash, coated and cream, to suspend the use of other topical drugs or with drugs cosmetics, oral medication can be continued.

2, are not feeling well at any time with cold towels, cold. If so to produce scab will fall off naturally in a few days, do not scratch or stripping. Avoid the sun, as far as possible not from 10:00 to 14:00 to go out and go use must be sun protection factor greater than 20 sunscreen.

3, for a week before treatment should be stopped in skin, perming and hair, shaving and hair removal, scrub or sponge, use the A acid products, facial sunburn; last couple of days should stop using AHA products. Will feel a little tingling or itching in the course of treatment, the same day there will be temporary swelling, the next 1-2 days may face slightly strained rough, and then 3-7 days later may be slightly peeling or desquamation.





